Shoritsu Electric Industry Co.,Ltd. PCB mount assembly / Development and sales of soldering iron cleaner and soldering equipment.


Production system

Production system at mishima plant

image of Production system at mishima plant

Production material groupParts procurement/Production management

groupParts procurement/Production management

It is available for us to give some suggestions like replacing parts, cost-cutting, and so on.

We manage parts and boards production, such as receiving orders, ordering, production control and inventory control.
Based on the knowledge and experience we have cultivated up to now, we can respond to the customer’s request using the specially-developed sales management system by a small number of people.

Production groupBoards manufacturing/Product assembly

Specialists suitable for each mounting process play an active role

Efficient production is possible by dividing the mounting process and specializing in specific work. Even while producing more than 1.200 models a year, we can instantly search for production data and schedules with the specially-developed sales management system.

Quality assurance groupInspection/Shipment

Quality assurance groupInspection/Shipment

Visual inspection of all products and packing and shipping

We do pre-shipment inspection and packing.
We perform visual inspection of the mounted product boards based on the customer’s instruction and thoroughly prevent the outflow of defective products.

Manufacturing technology groupTechnical support/Production efficiency improvement

Manufacturing technology groupTechnical support/Production efficiency improvement

Design and production of original production line

We improve the production efficiency of boards manufacturing, provide technical guidance and control, and maintain equipment.
We maintain a system in which boards manufacturing can be performed smoothly by providing instructions on how to use equipment, instruction on maintenance, etc., and responding to problems that occur at the manufacturing site.

Head office of ProductionProduction material group

Head office of ProductionProduction material group

This is the front group of Mishima plant for manufacturing PC boards.
Customer service, accepting and placing orders, production control, and stock control are done in this group.
It is available for us to give some suggestions like replacing parts, cost-cutting, and so on.

Purchasing service

There are more than 200 electronic parts manufacturer which are connected with us. If you have problems to purchase those parts, we can help you to find and introduce companies, or purchase them for you. Also, it is available to purchase from Asian manufacturer through Shoritsu (Shanghai) int’l co., ltd.

Accepting orders / Placing orders

As following customer’s request, the person in charge is to be accepting order and placing order to make up for the shortage parts.
Ordering process is done effectively by using our original sales control system.

Accepting parts

We ensure traceability of parts because of bar-code sticker which is attached to each part after checking name and number of each part.

Stock control

In order to control each customer’s stock, every parts are to be classified and stocked by each customer and recorded in the inventory book.
It is available to answer the inventory status promptly and clearly whenever you need.

Production control

The person in charge of placing order is to decide delivery date as understanding both expected delivery date by customer and capable delivery date by us.

Parts positioning and fabrication

Parts are to be became in kit before positioned to each manufacturing process.
By being read the bar-code sticker, we ensure first-in first-out system and traceability of parts.
Parts which need fabrication before they are mounted are in same system as above. Those parts are positioned to each manufacturing process after the fabrication.

Head office of ProductionProduction group


Production group is the keystone of Mishima plant.
There are three teams, and each one is called the Automatic implementation team, the Robot implementation team, and the Assembly/ Checking team.
It is possible to have lean production by dividing production processes.

The Automatic implementation team

The Automatic implementation team

his group is for the process of automatic machine mounting and appearance check. We have three lines of automatic machine mounting.
There are nitrogen reflow ovens, and they make us possible to have high quality and equable mounting process. Automatic appearance check machines are applied for the appearance check.


LINE1 装置名称 装置型式名 メーカー
クリームはんだ印刷機 YCP10 YAMAHA
はんだ印刷検査機 VP5200L-V CKD
ディスペンサー YSD YAMAHA
高速マウンター YS12 YAMAHA
異形マウンター YS100 YAMAHA
N2リフロー炉 NJ0611M-82 エイテックテクトロン
N2発生装置 NE-20PS コフロック
N2PSA用コンプレッサー SCD-110JCBD0 アネスト岩田
LINE2 装置名称 装置型式名 メーカー
クリームはんだ印刷機 YCP10 YAMAHA
はんだ印刷検査機 VP-5200L-V CKD
ディスペンサー YSD YAMAHA
高速マウンター YSM20R-1 YAMAHA
窒素リフロー炉 NJ0611M-82 エイテックテクトロン
N2発生装置 NE-20PS コフロック
スクリューコンプレッサー Z155AS4-R 三井精機工業
LINE3 装置名称 装置型式名 メーカー
クリームはんだ印刷機 YCP10 YAMAHA
はんだ印刷検査機 Ysi-SP YAMAHA
高速マウンター YSM20R-1 YAMAHA
N2リフロー炉 NJ0611M-82 エイテックテクトロン
N2発生装置 022-NE20PS コフロック
スクリューコンプレッサー Z155AS2-R 三井精機工業
LINE4 装置名称 装置型式名 メーカー
クリームはんだ印刷機 GPX-HD FUJI
はんだ印刷検査機 VP-5200L-V CKD
高速マウンター XPF-L FUJI
コンパクト多機能装着機 XP-243E FUJI
N2リフロー炉 NJ06M-82-RLF エイテックテクトロン
N2発生装置 BPN3-100LP エア・ウォーター・ベルパール
スクリューコンプレッサー OSP-11M5ARN3 日立産機システム
外観検査装置 装置名称 装置型式名 メーカー
卓上型高速外観検査装置 BF-SRIUS SAKI
3D外観検査機 Ysi-V 3D YAMAHA
射出成型機 装置名称 装置型式名 メーカー
竪型ロータリー射出成型機 JT40REL Ⅲ 日本製鋼所
金型温度調節機 MCL-25-X-J 松井製作所
清掃簡易型低速粉砕機 MGL-100型 松井製作所
大型プログラム定温乾燥器 DOV-600PA ASONE
除湿熱風乾燥機 マルチジェット MJ3-15J-OP 松井製作所
測定顕微鏡 MF-B3017B ミツトヨ
メタルマスク 装置名称 装置型式名 メーカー
メタルマスク洗浄機 SC-AH100-LV サワーコーポレーション
ピン打ち機 装置名称 装置型式名 メーカー
ストレートピン端子挿入機 PIS-10-2010 icrex (アイレックス)
90度曲げピン端子挿入機 PIS-60-2010 icrex (アイレックス)
The Robot implementation team

The Robot implementation team

In robot implementation team, automatic soldering machines which are newly introduced are mainly applied for our production.
In the process of manual mounting and soldering mounting, parts which are hard to be mounted by machines are to be mounted by workers.
This process is done with automatic soldering machine in nitrogen gas atmosphere.


ロボットはんだ 装置名称 装置型式名 メーカー
はんだ付けロボット J-CAT400STELLAR+RSP アポロ精工
はんだ付けロボット mini-maxⅢ 津々巳電機
ロボットはんだ付けライン モジュール型汎用自動組立機 Smart FAB-D FUJI
インライン式はんだ付け装置 SR-IST・SR-SOR・SR-SPD 昭立電気工業
セル生産式はんだ付け装置 SR-IAF 昭立電気工業
はんだ槽(RoHS) スプレーフラクサー MXL-350Y 日本電熱計器
窒素封入式はんだ装置 ILF-350HB 日本電熱計器
はんだ槽用N2装置 N2PSA用コンプレッサー Z155AS-R 三井精機工業
(RoHS・共晶で共用) N2発生装置 NDLA-4200-TP 日本電熱計器
The Assembly/ Checking team

The Assembly/ Checking team

Assembly/ Checking team is the process of mounting parts which are supposed be mounted in previous process.
It is also the process of assembly, and adjustment and checking.
As cooperating with robot implementation team, automatic soldering machines which are newly introduced are applied for our production in order to enhance operation efficiency.
A bed of nails is also available for functional check. It depends on each customer’s request.
We use robots for soldering in the process in order to enhance operation efficiency and improve our quality.

Post-mounted process

Soldering and mounting process of components by hand. Soldering is done by hand for parts that are difficult to implement by the automatic implementation team and the robot implementation team.
We have adopted soldering robots to improve work efficiency and quality.

Checking process

This is the process of checking of completed PC boards after mounting processes.
A bed of nails is also available for functional check.
We also write a program. It depends on each customer’s request.

Assembly process

Every PC board which has been checked in the checking process is to be assembled in this process.
We can incorporate PC board into product flame at customer’s request, and it can be shipped to the market.


設備 装置名称 装置型式名 メーカー
基板分割機 T-HX98D ティエスティ
基板分割機 T-MD22D ティエスティ
基板分割機 T-MS20 ティエスティ
インサーキットテスター ZPC-5000 オカノ電機
定温乾燥機 Dring Oven DX31 Yamato
2液自動計量混合吐出機 TSP-500-B-B 日本ソセー

Manufacturing Engineering DivisionQuality assurance group

Manufacturing Engineering DivisionQuality assurance group

This group is checking and packaging of product before shipment.
Mounted PC boards are to be visually checked as following the design which is defined by a customer.
It prevents defective products from being shipped.
Packaging is done as following each customer’s packaging standard after the number of products is ascertained.

Manufacturing Engineering DivisionManufacturing Technology Group

Manufacturing Engineering DivisionManufacturing Technology Group

This group is for improvement of productive efficiency, instruction and control of techniques, and maintenance of the equipments.
We also suggest cost-cutting by automated manufacturing.
We have manufactured more than 1000 different kinds of jig and tool.
This actual achievement can be applied in the processes of soldering, parts manufacturing, assembly of PC board, and so on.
In order to improve productive efficiency, cutting machine which is controlled by computer numerical control (CNC) is brought in for manufacturing high-quality jig and tool.
We also make cost-cutting suggestions which will be brought by jig and tool for functional check and automatic manufacturing.


設備 装置名称 装置型式名 メーカー
CNC切削機 MODELA MDX-50 ローランドDG
卓上精密旋盤 L-5200型 コスモキカイ
小型フライス盤 KC-Ⅱ 小久保鉄工所
タッピングボール盤 BT13SL 日立工機
3Dプリンター MF-1000 ムトーエンジニアリング


設備 装置名称 装置型式名 メーカー
レシプロ オイルフリー コンプレッサー TFP110BB-10M5 アネスト岩田
レシプロ オイルフリー コンプレッサー TFP110C-10 アネスト岩田
冷凍式エアードライヤー RAX15G オリオン
冷凍式エアードライヤー RAX15J オリオン
レーザーマーカー LP-430U-160 SUNX
デシカント除湿機 SGP-330 西部技研

We will meet your needs! Please feel free to contact us.

